Why does Rejection hurt so much?
The one thing before reading the article I picked I had already confirmed one thing which I already knew was the pain of rejection. I had felt rejection myself in my life, for example, there was a job interview I had one time but I didn't end up getting the job because of a lack of a certain skill in a field and that is an example of rejection.
There were a few things I had learned from reading this article, instead of being all negative about rejection and looking at it from a pessimistic point of view but we can see it from a positive side for example :
- Think of it as a lesson learnt for next time
- Look at it as the glass half full and not half empty
The things we can do to combat rejection are:
- Have zero tolerance for self-criticism
- Revive your self worth
- Boost your feelings of connections
One thing I am curious to explore is applying these exercises to real-life situations such as:
- If one friend cancels their plans, I can always call another friend
- If I didn't get the job I wanted, it's okay I can always find another one it's not the end of the world
- If a work colleague didn't invite me for a party or lunch, I can always spend time with the ones I love the most.
The way how I am going to act upon it is by practising each day by telling myself before each situation where there is likely to be rejection involved I need to tell myself "It can always be worse, its not the end of the world if it doesn't go my way".
If you want to read more about this article, it's at the top of the screen.
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